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Why F SHOP is different to all Contemporary Art trade portals

FAIR ART TRADE is the first International Fair Art Trade Certification platform of proficient curated contemporary art that primarily offers singular uncatalogued artworks that have found their home in uncharted territory in the artist´s studio.  F selects and highlights the relevance of these contemporary archaeological finds.

Some of these artworks embody experimentations, accidents and finds, materialised so that larger works come to fruition.  Many of them have something in common: they capture that initial spark of the idea, the first material expressions of inspiration.  These auratic objects and embryonic forms that had played a role in the creation and process of an artist´s work are rescued by FAIR ART TRADE.  However, these principles do not exclude the creation of punctual specific F limited editions.

Experimentation archaeologies

The F artworks can be “finished” or not, and they are beyond the concept of “remains”.  They are hard to classify since they don´t necessarily belong to a series or specific project. Artists keep these pieces when there is enough space in their studio, for years, for emotional attachment reasons or because of the intrinsic value that they know they have.

The artworks featured in the F SHOP are carefully selected annually by the creators and a rotating professional contemporary art expert panel.  It is updated and reviewed every season, and the selected FAIR ART TRADE artworks are offered to art purchasers and collectors that understand the ethics and importance of sustainability acquiring relevant cultural signifiers/objects of our time with minimal environmental impact.